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3 Buchstaben lang sein.
- Artificial Intelligence-Based Motion Capture: Current Technologies, Applications and Challenges. In: Artificial Intelligence in Sports, Movement, and Health. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024 mehr…
- Comparative FEM study on intervertebral disc modeling: Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden vs. structural rebars. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 12, 2024 mehr…
- Musculoskeletal spine modeling in large patient cohorts: how morphological individualization affects lumbar load estimation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 12, 2024 mehr…
- Aspects and Approaches for the Development of Digital Training Assistants. In: Sports Technology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2024 mehr…
- Toward painless road-cycling for women: Innovative pressure distribution through lattice-based seat pads. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2024 mehr…
- Mechatronic Ski Binding. In: Sports Technology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2024 mehr…
- Muscular Fatigue and Quadriceps-to-Hamstring Ratio in Alpine Skiing in Women over 40 Years. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (8), 2023, 5486 mehr…
- Sensory Perception of Varied Shoe Masses in Running. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 113 (1), 2023 mehr…
- Investigating the effect of outsole configurations on rotational and translational traction using a mechanical prosthetic foot. Sports Engineering 26 (1), 2023 mehr…
- Multibody Models of the Thoracolumbar Spine: A Review on Applications, Limitations, and Challenges. Bioengineering 10 (2), 2023, 202 mehr…
- Recent Advances in Coupled MBS and FEM Models of the Spine—A Review. Bioengineering 10 (3), 2023, 315 mehr…
- A lower leg surrogate study to investigate the effect of quadriceps–hamstrings activation ratio on ACL tensile force. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2022 mehr…
- Evaluating the Effect of Shoes with Varying Mass on Vertical Ground Reaction Force Parameters in Short-Term Running. International Journal of Exercise Science Vol. 15 (1), 2022, 191--205 mehr…
- Validation of a Patient-Specific Musculoskeletal Model for Lumbar Load Estimation Generated by an Automated Pipeline From Whole Body CT. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10, 2022 mehr…
- Acquisition of Lower-Limb Motion Characteristics with a Single Inertial Measurement Unit—Validation for Use in Physiotherapy. Diagnostics 12 (7), 2022, 1640 mehr…
- History, philosophy, and value of mechanical models in sports science and engineering. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology (2), 2022 mehr…
- Measuring Pressure in Different Layers of the Ski Boot to Estimate Skiing Movements. icSPORTS 21 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2021Valletta, Malta / virtuell, 28-35 mehr…
- Limitations of current alpine touring ski bindings. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2021 mehr…
- Sensor Failure Detection in Ambient Assisted Living Using Association Rule Mining: Special Issue Sensors Technology for Smart Homes. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20 (23), 2020, 21 mehr…
- Stretchable piezoresistive vs. capacitive silicon sensors integrated into ski base layer pants for measuring the knee flexion angle. Sports Engineering 23 (1), 2020, 75 mehr…
- Knee injury prevention in alpine skiing. A technological paradigm shift towards a mechatronic ski binding. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2020, 2020 mehr…
- EMG-pants in Sports: Concept Validation of Textile-integrated EMG Measurements. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (2020), 2020virtuell - Budapest Hungary, 197-204 mehr…
- Perception of Running Shoe Cushioning: Objective and Subjective Measurements in Short-Distance Running. The 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA 2020), MDPI, 2020virtuell mehr…
- Regular exercise participation and volitional competencies. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 9 (2), 2020, 232--243 mehr…
- Achievement motive, autonomous motivation, and attendance at fitness center: A longitudinal prospective study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 51, 2020 mehr…
- Measuring Implicit Motives With the Picture Story Exercise (PSE): Databases of Expert-Coded German Stories, Pictures, and Updated Picture Norms. Journal of Personality Assessment, 2020 mehr…
- Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Home-Care-Produkten -- Anwendung durch untrainierte medizinische Laien. In: Medizinprodukte planen, entwickeln, realisieren. TÜV Media GmbH TÜV Rheinland Group, 2019, 7204 mehr…
- Validity of Wrist-Worn Activity Trackers for Estimating VO2max and Energy Expenditure. International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (17), 2019 mehr…
- In-Ear Pulse Rate Measurement: A Valid Alternative to Heart Rate Derived from Electrocardiography? Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 19 (17), 2019 mehr…
- Modelling and simulation to prevent overloads in snowboarding. In: Modelling and simulation in sport and exercise. Routledge / Taylor {&} Francis Group, 2019, 211--236 mehr…
- Simulation des Schwingungsverhaltens des paralympischen Sportgeräts Monoski - Systematische Parametervariation in einem Mehrkörpermodell. In: Schwerpunktthemen: Olympische Winterspiele;Beiträge der Preisträger des dies academicus 2018. Lehmanns Media Verlag, 2019, 149--160 mehr…
- Regulating the Heart Rate of Human-Electric Hybrid Vehicle Riders Under Energy Consumption Constraints Using an Optimal Control Approach. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2018, 1--14 mehr…
- Evaluating a heart rate regulation system for human--electric hybrid vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 232 (2), 2018, 102--111 mehr…
- Innovation {&} Technologie im Sport: 23. dvs-Hochschultag München 13.-15. September 2017. Band 265. Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft. Feldhaus Verlag GmbH {&}Co.. KG, 2017 mehr…
- The Flow Experience in Alpine Skiing. Science and Skiing VII, Meyer {&} Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd., 2017St. Christoph/Arlberg, Austria mehr…
- Skiunterwäsche zur Echtzeitmessung des Kniewinkels beim Skifahren. Technische Textilien. Innovation, Technik, Anwendung (5), 2017, 310--312 mehr…
- Competitive study of stud characteristics on the penetrability: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Footwear Biomechanics Symposium. Footwear Science 9 (sup1: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Footwear Biomechanics Symposium), 2017, S60-S61 mehr…
- Comparative Study of Shoe-Surface Interaction in Trail Running - Subjective and objective Evaluation. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) 2017, 2017Köln, Germany mehr…
- A Non-Invasive Method to Investigate Foot Bone Kinematics. Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) 2017, bepress, 2017Köln, Germany mehr…
- In-Play Cooling Interventions for Simulated Match-Play Tennis in Hot/Humid Conditions. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2017 mehr…
- Ecological light duty vehicles - an experience based product development process based on two different vehicle concepts in a resource limited environment. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2017, IEEE, 2017Monte Carlo, Monaco mehr…
- Reducing the risks for traumatic and overuse injury among competitive alpine skiers. British Journal of Sports Medicine 51 (1), 2017, 1--2 mehr…
- Which Motives are Predictors for Long-term Use of Exergames? Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 806--811 mehr…
- The Zero Heat Flux Method and Sweat Loss Modeling in Sports: Attempts of Next Generation Sports Information Systems. Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 643--648 mehr…
- VacuuAir - A New Technology for High Performance Inflatable SUPs. Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 556--561 mehr…
- Flexural Behavior of Ski Boots Under Realistic Loads -- The Concept of an Improved Test Method. Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 342--347 mehr…
- What is Slowing Me Down? Estimation of Rolling Resistances During Cycling. Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 526--531 mehr…
- Artificial Knee Joint and Ski Load Simulator for the Evaluation of Knee Braces and Ski Bindings. Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 220--227 mehr…
- Conceptual Development and Evaluation of Heat Relief Principles for the Application in Bicycle Helmets. Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 501--506 mehr…
- Just another Title? MSc. Human Factors Engineering Versus Sports Engineering. Procedia Engineering 147, 2016, 890--895 mehr…
- Effects of different weight loss intervention programmes in health clubs - an observational multicenter study. European Journal of Sport Science, 2016 mehr…
- Comparison of Shoe-surface Tractions on Various Playing Surfaces in Futsal. Procedia Engineering (Vol. 112), 2015, 267--272 mehr…
- Effektivität unterschiedlicher Stabilisierungssysteme des distalen Unterarms in Dorsalextension: Eine Untersuchung unter Verwendung von Computermodellen. Orthopädie Technik. Rehabilitation. Medizinprodukte 66. Jahrgang (08), 2015, 18--23 mehr…
- Estimating the Relationship between Heart Rate and Power Output for Short Term Cycling Exercieses: The Impact of Technology on Sport VI; 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology, APCST 2015. Procedia Engineering (7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology (APCST) 2015) (Vol. 112), 2015, 237--243 mehr…
- Sliding Mode Control for Heart Rate Regulation of Electric Bicycle Riders. Proceedings of the ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, ASME Digital Collection, 2015Ohio, USA mehr…
- Heart Rate Regulation with Different Heart rate Reference Profiles for Electric Bicycle Riders. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2015 andthe Affiliated Conferences, Elsevier, 2015Las Vegas mehr…
- Methodologische Probleme bei biomechanischen Untersuchungen im Schneesport. In: Skilauf und Snowboard in Lehre und Forschung. Feldhaus Verlag GmbH &Co.. KG, 2015, 172--184 mehr…
- Correlation between Quality of Golf Drive and Impact Sensation in Dependence of Shaft Weight and Shaft Flexibility. Procedia Engineering 72, 2014, 292--297 mehr…
- Optimal durch den Eiskanal: Rennschlitten: Konkurrenzfähig bleiben durch technischen Vorsprung. chemie&more 5. Jahrgang (6. Ausgabe), 2014, 32--33 mehr…
- Komfort durch lokale Klimatisierung in Elektroautos. Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt der Zukunft, GfA-Press, 2014TU München mehr…
- Dynamic Thermal Receptor Response and Comfort in Cold and Warm Environments. Procedia Engineering 72, 2014, 103--107 mehr…
- Entwicklung einer Testmethode der Ermüdungsbeständigkeit von Brustprothesen: Developing a Method for Testing the Fatigue Resistance of Breast Protheses. Orthopädie Technik. Rehabilitation. Medizinprodukte 65. Jahrgang (11), 2014, 46--50 mehr…
- Analyse typischer Verletzungsmuster beim Snowboarden unter Verwendung von MKS-, CAD- und FEM-Modellen: dvs Band 244. In: Sportinformatik X (dvs). Feldhaus Verlag GmbH &Co.. KG, 2014, 56--61 mehr…
- Impact Biomechanics - Use of Validated Models for the Evaluation of the Injury Risk. Proceedings of the 3rd International Digital Human Modelling Symposium (DHM) 2014, 2014Odaiba, Japan mehr…
- Wrist Injuries in Snowboarding -- Simulation of a Worst Case Scenario of Snowboard Falls. Procedia Engineering 72, 2014, 255--260 mehr…
- Impact of Electrical Assistance on Physiological Parameters During Cycling. Procedia Engineering 72, 2014, 150--155 mehr…
- Ausrüstung und Sicherheit im alpinen Skisport. Sportunterricht 63. (10), 2014, 291--297 mehr…
- Skiausrüstung und Knieverletzungen beim alpinen Skifahren im Freizeitsport: Eine Expertise zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Technik und deren Entwicklungspotenzial. Band Nr. 69. bfu-Report. bfu , 2014 mehr…
- Determination of Insulation Properties of Functional Clothing Using Core Body Temperature Gradients as Quantification Parameter. Proceedia Engineering 60 (0), 2013, 208--213 mehr…
- Ermittlung des Aktivitätslevels bei Patienten mit infantiler Zerebralparese. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 151 (03), 2013, 248--256 mehr…
- Optimization of a Foot Model for the Evaluation of the Injury Risk during Cutting Movements in Football. Procedia Engineering 60 (0), 2013, 325--330 mehr…
- Evaluation of Ergonomics of a New Effort Saving Via-ferrata Carabiner-child vs. Adult Use. Proceedia Engineering 60 (0), 2013, 319--324 mehr…
- Plantar pressure distribution during and after pregnancy. European Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2013 mehr…
- Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Sports Compression Garments --A study of Generation Y and Baby Boomer Cohorts. Procedia Engineering 60 (0), 2013, 163--169 mehr…
- Ski equipment-related measures to reduced knee injuries: Review of the potential for further technical improvements in recreational alpine skiing. bfu knowledge base. bfu - Swiss Council for Accident Prevention, Berne, 2013 mehr…
- Notauslösung. SnowSport (Deutscher Skilehrerverband) 2012-2013 (4), 2013, 14--15 mehr…
- Technical possibilities for optimising the ski-binding-boot functional unit to reduce knee injuries in recreational alpine skiing. Sports Engineering Volume 16 (Issue 4), 2013, 211--228 mehr…
- Speed and Ability as modulating factors of the flow experience while skiing on prepared slopes. In: Science and Skiing V. Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd., 2012, 85--93 mehr…
- Dependency of knee extension torque on different types of stabilisation. International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 3 (1), 2012, 1--15 mehr…
- Muskuloskelettale Modellierung des patellofemoralen Gelenks. Dynamische Analyse der patellaren Führung. Der Orthopäde 41 (4), 2012, 252--259 mehr…
- A method for quantifying impact loads from stone impact in mountain biking. Procedia Engineering 34 (1), 2012, 415--420 mehr…
- On the effect of chain stay impact on the structural safety of CFRP structures in mountain biking. Procedia Engineering 34, 2012, 664--669 mehr…
- Cycling comfort on different road surfaces. Procedia Engineering 34, 2012, 479--484 mehr…
- Functionality and performance of customized sole inlays for various sports applications. Procedia Engineering 34, 2012, 290--294 mehr…
- Mathematical model of the energy absorbing stitch brake used in via ferrata climbing. Procedia Engineering 34, 2012 mehr…
- Mathematical model of the energy absorbing stitch brake used in via ferrata climbing. Procedia Engineering 34 (34), 2012, 652--657 mehr…
- Preliminary Studies for Validation of a novel sensor fiber to measure forces in artificial knee ligaments. Procedia Engineering 34, 2012, 236--241 mehr…
- Sportinformatik trifft Sporttechnologie. 8. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Sporttechnologie vom 15. - 17. September 2010 in Darmstadt. Feldhaus, 2011 mehr…
- Proccedings of the 1st International Symposium on Numerical Simulation in Orthopaedic Biomechanics 'SimOrtho. Shaker Verlag, 2011 mehr…
- Mechanisms for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in World Cup Alpine Skiing: A Systematic Video Analysis of 20 Cases. American Journal of Sports Medicine 39 (7), 2011, 1421--1429 mehr…
- The Effects of Seat tube angle on the Metabolic cost during Cycling at Low intensity Workload. Procedia Engineering (13), 2011, 334--337 mehr…
- Alloplastic reconstruction of the extensor mechanism after resection of tibial sarcoma. Sarcoma, 2011 mehr…
- Operational Loads on Sport Bicycles for possible misuse. Procedia Engineering (13), 2011, 75--80 mehr…
- Aktuelle Betriebslastenermittlung an Sportfahrrädern. MP Materials Testing (3), 2010, 142--147 mehr…
- Calculation of ankle and knee joint moments during ACL-injury situations in soccer. Procedia Engineering 2 (2), 2010, 3255--3261 mehr…
- Prediction of energy efficient pedal forces in cycling using musculoskeletal simulation models. Procedia Engineering 2 (2), 2010, 3211--3215 mehr…
- Einfluss der Schaftsteifigkeit von Wanderschuhen auf Stabilität und Effizienz der Gangbewegung über unebenen Untergrund. In: Biomechanik - Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung. Czwalina, 2010, 37--44 mehr…
- Use of headgear in football - A computer simulation of the human head and neck. Procedia Engineering 2 (2), 2010, 3263--3268 mehr…
- Practical and science based functionality tests of sport equipments. Procedia Engineering 2 (2), 2010, 2817--2822 mehr…
- High-Tech-Textiles in Competitive Sports. Procedia Engineering 2 (2), 2010, 2845--2850 mehr…
- Traction behavior of soccer shoe stud designs under different game-relevant loading conditions. Procedia Engineering 2 (2), 2010, 2783--2788 mehr…
- Emergency Release for Winter Sports Equipment. Journal of ASTM International 7 (9), 2010 mehr…
- Unterwegs zu neuen Rekorden - Hochleistung im Sport. Kunststoffe international (5), 2010, 139--144 mehr…
- On the Way to New Records - High Achievements in Sports. Kunststoffe international (5), 2010, 88--93 mehr…
- Tempo-30-Genusspisten. Besseres Sicherheitsgefühl - Geschützte Alternative für langsame Skifahrer. FdSnow 28 (36), 2010, 35--39 mehr…
- Emotional experiences and FLOW in easy bump pistes. In: Science and Skiing IV. Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd., 2009, 152--161 mehr…
- Effect of different handgrip angles on work distribution during hand cycling at submaximal power levels. Ergonomics 52 (10), 2009, 1276--1286 mehr…
- Influence of crank length and crank width on maximal hand cycling power and cadence. European Journal of Applied Physiology 106 (5), 2009, 749--757 mehr…
- Equipment development and research for more performance and safety. In: Science and Skiing IV. Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd., 2009, 111--133 mehr…
- Subjective evaluation of sport equipment - deriving preference values from pairwise comparison matrices. In: The Engineering of Sport 7. Springer Verlag, 2008, 127--133 mehr…
- Safety in big jumps: relationship between landing shape and impact energy determined by computer simulation. Journal of ASTM International 5 (8), 2008 mehr…
- The effect of skiboot settings on tibio-femoral abduction and rotation during standing and simulated skiing. Journal of Biomechanics 41 (3), 2008, 498--505 mehr…
- Effects of short-term training using SmartCranks on cycle work distribution and power output during cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology 103 (2), 2008, 225--232 mehr…
- A Novel Anti-Slip Pad for Improving Steering when Exiting a Ski Lift on a Snowboard. Journal of ASTM International 5 (5), 2008 mehr…
- Projekt Fussballschuh und Knieverletzung - Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Kinematik von Kreuzbandrissen am Beispiel des Profifussballs. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Beiträge zum 6. Divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2008, 89--98 mehr…
- Creating 3D muscle lengths and moment arms from the Visible Human Dataset. In: The Engineering of Sport 7. Springer Verlag, 2008, 143--148 mehr…
- Einfluss des Griffwinkels auf den Krafteinsatz beim Handbiken. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Beiträge zum 6. Divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2008, 9--23 mehr…
- Untersuchung eines speziellen Trainingshilfsmittels zur Optimierung der Trettechnik im Radsport. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Beiträge zum 6. Divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2008, 25--38 mehr…
- Service strength of high tech bicycles. In: The Impact of Technology on Sport II. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, 767--772 mehr…
- Development of a sharp edge resistance test for mountaineering ropes. In: The Impact of Technology on Sport II. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, 701--706 mehr…
- Optimization of Human Motion exemplified with Handbiking by means of Motion Analysis and Musculoskeletal Models. In: Human Motion - Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation. Springer Verlag, 2007, 417--434 mehr…
- Simulation of puck flight to determine spectator safety for various ice hockey boards. Journal of Sports Engineering 10 (2), 2007, 75--86 mehr…
- Development of a test device for testing soccer boots under game relevant high risk loading conditions. Journal of Sports Engineering 10 (1), 2007, 53--63 mehr…
- Design of Leisure Sports Equipment and Methods of Sports Science. In: The Impact of Technology on Sport II. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, 781--786 mehr…
- Approach for a Systematic Optimization of Twoseater Bobsleigh. In: The Impact of Technology on Sport II. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, 863--867 mehr…
- Skiing Equipment: What is done towards more safety, performance and ergonomics? In: The Impact of Technology on Sport II. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, 803--811 mehr…
- Gender bias in the effects of arms and countermovement on jumping performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21 (2), 2007, 362--366 mehr…
- Gender bias in jumping kinetics in NCAA division I level basketball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21 (3), 2007, 958--962 mehr…
- Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis IV: Beiträge aus den Workshops glqqAktuelle Trends in Sport und Technikgrqq. Shaker Verlag, 2006 mehr…
- Sicherheit im Sport. glqqEin Leben mit Sport - aber sichergrqq. Beiträge zum 4. Dreiländerkongress zur Sportunfallprävention 21.-23. September 2006. Sportverlag Strauss, 2006 mehr…
- Engineering of Sport 6. Volume 3. Springer Verlag, 2006 mehr…
- Engineering of Sport 6. Volume 2. Springer Verlag, 2006 mehr…
- Engineering of Sport 6. Volume 1. Springer Verlag, 2006 mehr…
- Contribution of Muscle Series Elasticity to Maximum Performance in Drop Jumping. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 22, 2006, 3--13 mehr…
- Optimization of the handbike's drive concept by means of a simulation model. Journal of Biomechanics 39 (1), 2006, 421 mehr…
- Das apparative Krafttraining der Dorsalflexoren zur Prävention von Shin Splints. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 2006, 277--281 mehr…
- Berechnung der Gelenkbelastungen im Athleten am Beispiel des Ruderergometers. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis III, Beiträge zum 4. divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2004 mehr…
- Sicherheit, Performance und Lernen bei modernen Skischuhen. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis III, Beiträge zum 4. divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2004 mehr…
- Vorstellung eines interdisziplinären Ansatzes zur Optimierung des Behindertensportgerätes glqqHandbikegrqq. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis III, Beiträge zum 4. divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2004 mehr…
- Computermodell des Kopf-Halswirbelsäulen-Bereichs zur Berechnung der Belastung der Nackenmuskulatur bei quasistatischen und dynamischen Bewegungsabläufen. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis III, Beiträge zum 4. divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2004 mehr…
- Biomechanik in der Sportgeräteentwicklung: Design Report, 06/2004, S. 32-33. Design Report (6), 2004, 32--33 mehr…
- Computersimulation und Experiment: Untrennbare, intelligente und effektive Kombination für die Sportgeräteentwicklung. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis II, Beiträge zum 3. divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2004 mehr…
- Studien- und Forschungsschwerpunkte im Bereich Sport und Technik an der Technischen Universität München. In: Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Beiträge zum 2. divers Workshop. Shaker Verlag, 2003 mehr…
- Release Binding for Skiboards? In: Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fourteenth Volume. ASTM International, 2003, 24--35 mehr…