Prof. Veit Senner
Title: | Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Sportl. (Univ.) |
Room: | MW 3336 |
Research fields: | Biomechanics, Material Sciences, Physiology, Psychology |
senner@tum.de | |
► Phone | +49 89 289 15364 |
► ORCID ID | |
► Consultation hours agreement | Tuesday, 4:00 to 5:00 pm |
Prior registration with Frau Chiritescu-Kretsch to make an appointment is required! |
Academic Degree or title:
Mechanical Engineering Dr.-Ing. (Univ)
Mechanical Engineering Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.)
Teaching Professions in Sports Dipl.-Sportl. (Univ.)
Note: Diploma Degree ist Master equivalent
Resumé: (Here you can find the CV also in pdf-Format)
10/2005-10/2009 | Associate Dean, TUM Faculty of Sport Science |
08/2002 | Appointment Professorship at Technische Universität München, Speciality Devision Sport Equipment and Materials |
10/2001 | Granting of Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering, TUM |
1995 | Academic Degree in Sports Science: „Diplom Sportlehrer (Univ.)“ Technische Universität München |
1989 | Academic Degree in Mechanical Engineering „Diplom Ingenieur (Univ.)“, TUM. Study branch: Design and Development |
Supervised student works:
11 completed as first examiner, 15 completed as second examiner, 8 current PhDs (doctoral supervisor).
Number of publications listed in Scopus / H-factor:
71 publications listed in Scopus, H -factor: 8
show publications (as of October 2019). You can also find the publications here.
Lectures and Teaching:
- Technologie II
- Technologie I
- Sportwissenschaftliche Basiskompetenz Teil 1
- Sporttechnologische Kompetenz • Sporttechnologisches Projekt
- Produktionsergonomie
- Methodisch-didaktische Ausbildung in den Sportarten: Skilauf ASK I Phil
- Methoden des Sports Engineering
- Höhere Biomechanik
- Anwendung Sportwissenschaftl. Methoden / Statistiksoftware
- Angewandte Biomechanik