Robin Compeyron
Title: | Master of Science (M.Sc.) |
Room: | Hochbrück Parkring 35 Raum 3.3.09 |
Research field: | Biomechanics, Materials Science | | |
► Telefone | +49 (0) 89 289 10 355 |
► ORCID ID | |
► Consultation hours agreement |
Academic Degree or Title:
M.Sc. (TUM) Aerospace (2017-2020)
Dipl.-Ing. (eq. M.Eng.) (École Centrale de Lyon) College of Engineering (2015-2020)
B.Sc. (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) Mathematics (2015-2016)
03.21 Research Associate, Chair of Sports Equipment and Materials, Technical University of Munich
Lehrveranstaltungen / Mitarbeit Lehre:
- Methodenseminar Sporttechnologie
Betreute Studienarbeiten (u.a.):
- Low-cost Motion Tracking Verfahren zur Bestimmung ausgewählter kinematischer Parameter des Laufens (BA)
- Development and Application of a CAD – Method for the Construction of a Parameterizable Running Shoe (SA)
- Experimental in-vivo Determination of Mechanical Parameters for Plantar Deformation and Damping Behaviour (BA)
- Einfluss des Dämpfungsverhaltens der Zwischensohle auf den Laufstil (IDP)
Arbeitstitel | Beginn | Fakultät | Doktorvater/mutter | Mentor |
Modelling and Simulation of the Shoe's Midsole Influence on Runners' Biomechanics | 2021 | TUM School of Engineering and Design | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Senner | Dr.-Ing. Aljoscha Hermann |