The professorship for sports equipment and materials met on 27. September 2022, for a joint PhD student workshop in the Vorhoelzer Forum of the TU Munich...
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We are grateful to CISM, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences for having our colleagues attend the "27th CISM-IUTAM International Summer School on Sports Physics and Technology" in Udine, Italy, and for gathering together renowned researchers in the physics of sports in order to give…
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On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the professorship of sports equipment and materials, the anniversary celebration was held at the end of July ...
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We are happy to have been at the LOIFT (Lehrstuhl-Orientierungs-, Informations- und Forschungstagung) again this year. We would like to thank the students for their great interest in our research topics and for the many nice discussions! It's great to see that our topics from our 20 years of…
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We have been happy to take part at the 14th International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA) Conference that was held at the University of Purdue in West Lafayette in the USA. We had three presentations and two posters. It was a nice occasion to meet again some long-time-no-see faces and to get…
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The Professorship of Sport Equipment and Sport Materials is pleased about the approved AiF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen) ZIM (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand)-research project entitled "FitFeet" (Förderkennzeichen: KK5012504NK1). Goal of this ZIM-Project is to…
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The Professorship of Sport Equipment and Sport Materials is pleased about the approved AiF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen) ZIM (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand)-research project entitled "TheraTrain". Within the project we are researching the development of a…
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The professorship welcomes Christian Fritzsche as research assistant. He has written his master thesis on Comparing Static and Dynamic Muscle Optimization with an Example of a Backbone Model at the professorship. He will be now working on the projects TheraTrain and FitFeet. We wish Mr. Fritzsche a…
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The professorship welcomes Marie Hartmann as intern. She will be working on different projects of the professorship. We wish Ms. Hartmann a successful start.
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