Introduction into Patent, Trademark and Design Law for Engineers (lecture + seminar)
Type | Supplementary Subject |
Credits | 5 ECTS |
Term | Summer semester |
Registration & Dates | see TUMonline |
E-Learning Course | see TUMonline |
This course is aimed in particular at engineering students and is intended to provide an overview and basic understanding of intellectual property rights (IPRs), such as patent, utility model, and design. Furthermore, the topics of obtaining, defending and enforcing a technical property right will be comprehensively covered using the example of the patent. The course also covers the topics of copyright law, customs regulations, and due diligence in Mergers & Acquisitions.
In the complementary seminar, external experts from relevant professions (e.g. patent attorneys, judges, examiners venture capital) will contribute by presenting their perspective on current matters in the field of IP rights. This will consist of invited talks and block seminars at relevant institutions (e.g. regional courts, German/European patent offices). These interactions will enrich the students’ knowledge beyond the fundamental law and dogmatics conveyed during the lecture series, by providing the possibility of exploring relevant topics in the daily lives of IPR practitioners.
Learning outcomes
After attending the lecture, students have an adequate level of knowledge to address basic IPR issues that they will encounter in their daily lives as future engineers. Specifically, students will be able to assess which IPR fits best to the subject matter at hand (e.g patent, utility model, trademark, design etc) and how these rights can be prosecuted. Students will also have knowledge on initial assessment of litigation pathways, which will have the additional benefit of preparing them in case they will have to enforce their own IPR or must defend their IPR against a third party in their career.