Modular Robot Design

TypePractical course
Duration4 SWS
TermWintersemester 2024/25
Language of instructionEnglish


After the lecture, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills: - Understand the procedure process for developing modular robots, - use simulation programs to optimise robot structures, - develop an individual module for a specific task, - assemble and commission their own module. - Building the electronics integration for their own module, - evaluating the performance of a robot module, - presenting the project results.


The students are first introduced to the topic of modular robots. In the following 2 weeks of block practical training, they will design their own robot module for a specific task for a modular robot. - design, - simulate for target validation - build it, - put it into operation and - test it. The project results are presented in a final presentation.

Teaching and learning methods

The university internship Modular Robot Design uses a variety of teaching and learning methods to impart theoretical knowledge and promote practical skills. The core component is the input talks, in which lecturers or experts from the field present specialised content. These lectures lay the foundation for further learning and ensure a standardised level of knowledge. Practical work plays a central role by directly applying theoretical knowledge. Students work on realistic projects or tasks, which strengthens their problem-solving skills and their ability to work independently. The close connection between practical work and input talks is of particular importance: the theoretical concepts and methods learnt in the lectures are directly applied in the practical part. This promotes a deep understanding and demonstrates the direct benefit and applicability of what has been learnt in a professional context. Overall, these methods enable a comprehensive and practical education that not only provides students with specialised knowledge, but also important key qualifications.


The module examination takes the form of an exercise consisting of 6 written tests and a final presentation (lasting 15 minutes), which must be completed during the work placement. The tests always take place at the end of the corresponding course unit and test the learning objectives learnt in the unit. This ensures that the learning objectives have been achieved and that the skills for further work in the internship are present.

Recommended literature

Robotic Manipulation, Tedrake, Russ, 2023
