Picture of Nicolas Nießen

M.Sc. Nicolas Nießen

Chair of Ergonomics (Prof. Bengler)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85747 Garching b. München


Nicolas Niessen, M.Sc. has been working at the Chair of Ergonomics since March 2022. The focus of his work lies in intuitive Human-Robot-Interaction (HRI).

Mr. Niessen studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich with a focus on rapid prototyping and medical engineering and stays abroad in Lausanne and Stockholm. After internships in the development of inspection drones and surgical robots, he created a machine for additive manufacturing in high vacuum in his semester project. With his Master's thesis on the biomechanical simulation of the joint reaction forces during the use of an exosuit, he leaned more into the direction of ergonomics. In his research at the Chair of Ergonomics, Mr. Niessen develops an interaction tool kit for communication with logistics robots in cooperation with the Chair of Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics (TUM fml).


Winter term 2023/24

Summer term 2024



  • Niessen, Nicolas; Bengler, Klaus: CoHEXist -- Introducing a New Test Setup for Coexistent Interactions with Mobile Robots in Open Space Encounters. Proceedings of the 4th IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics and Communications for Industry 4.0/5.0 (ARCI 2024), Unpublished, 2024Innsbruck, Österreich more…
  • Niessen, Nicolas; Rothmeyer, Florian; Rücker, Andreas; Fottner, Johannes; Bengler, Klaus: Unpacking the Complexity of Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) Communication Intentions Through Ontology. In: Cristina Piazza, Patricia Capsi-Morales, Luis Figueredo et all (Ed.): Human-Friendly Robotics 2023. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024 more…


  • Niessen, Nicolas; Micheli, Gioele; Bengler, Klaus: Explicit vs. Implicit - Communicating the Navigational Intent of Industrial Autonomous Mobile Robots. In: Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S., Salvendy, G. (Ed.): Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…