Picture of Dominik Götz

M.Eng. Dominik Götz

Technical University of Munich

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München

Department Additive Manufacturing

Tel.:    +49 (89) 289 - 15485
Email: dominik.goetz@iwb.mw.tum.de

Research Topics

  • Increasing dimensional accuracy with a thermo-mechanical process simulation
  • Determination of strategies for the reduction of support structures
  • Experimental and numerical investigation of shrink lines in laser-based powder bed fusion of metals
  • Metal-based additive manufacturing of heat exchangers 


  • Goetz, Dominik; Wolf, Daniel; Lehmann, Maja; Zaeh, Michael F.: A novel approach for the quantitative characterization of shrink lines in the Powder Bed Fusion of metals using a laser beam. Procedia CIRP 111, 2022, 832-837 more…


  • Götz, Dominik; Bachmann, Andreas; Wimmer, Andreas; Zäh, Michael F.: Topologieoptimierung beim Laser-Strahlschmelzen. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 116 (1-2), 2021, 70-74 more…