- Analysis of photodiode signals for monitoring the laser beam welding process of cell-internal contacts in lithium-ion batteries. Optics & Laser Technology 175, 2024, 110730 more…
- Using photodiodes and statistical evaluation methods for process monitoring tasks during the laser beam welding of stainless-steel foils. Procedia CIRP 124, 2024, 36-41 more…
- Acoustic process monitoring during the laser beam welding of stainless-steel foils using an adjustable ring mode laser beam source. Journal of Laser Applications 36 (4), 2024 more…
- Pyrometry-based closed-loop control of the melt pool temperature in Laser Metal Deposition with coaxial wire feeding. Procedia CIRP 111, 2022, 296-301 more…
- Micro-perforation of the diffusion media for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells using short and ultrashort laser pulses. Procedia CIRP 111, 2022, 796-799 more…
- Welding metallic bipolar plates for the production of PEM fuel cells. Laser Systems Europe (Fall 2022), 2022 more…
- Erklärbarkeitsansätze zur Verbesserung der Segmentierung von Schweißnähten in CT-Aufnahmen Erklärbare KI für produktions-technische Anwendungen. wt Werkstattstechnik online (3), 2022, 173--177 more…
- Inline Weld Depth Evaluation and Control Based on OCT Keyhole Depth Measurement and Fuzzy Control. Processes 10 (7), 2022, 1422 more…
- How ready is laser material processing for serial e-mobility production? Laser Systems Europe (Autumn 2021), 2021, 24--27 more…
- How ready is laser material processing for serial e-mobility production? Laser Systems Europe (Autumn 2021), 2021, 24--27 more…
- Solutions of laser material processing for electric mobility -- evaluation of the Technology Readiness Level. Proceedings of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference (LiM), 2021 more…
- Aktive Schwingungsdämpfung als Retrofit-Lösung für Werkzeugmaschinen. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion 2019 (4), 2019, 39--42 more…