Department Assembly Technologies & Robotics

The Assembly Technology and Robotics Department addresses the final stage of value creation in production - assembly. Here, the costs and quality of products are significantly influenced. Efficient assembly processes, innovative plant technology and assembly systems as well as the targeted use of industrial robots are the key to economical production. The researchers in the Assembly Technology and Robotics Department are therefore working on new solutions to concrete problems to these topics. The current trends in production are also decisive.
Head of Department: Benedikt Schmucker
The research competences

- Cyberphysical assembly lines
The focus is on the digital modelling of products, processes and resources in assembly plants. The aim is to automate the design, selection and configuration of assembly systems based on the requirements of the product or user.
Research Field Leader: Lisa Heuß
- Industrial robotics
The focus is on enabling robots for new areas of application by simplifying programming, increasing accuracy and integrating imaging sensors.
Research Field Leader: Alejandro Magana
Find out more on the current projects.