Study on particle-based simulation of gearbox oil flow and no-load gearing power loss of practical gearboxes
Research Topic
Short Title | CFD-Simulation Practical Gearboxes |
Start of Project | Q1/2023 |
Funding | FVA-Nr. 857/II Research Association for Drive Technology e.V., FVA |
Contact | Dr.-Ing. T. Lohner |
[Translate to en:] Projektbeschreibung
The gearbox oil flow has a major influence on the oil supply of machine elements as well as on the heat dissipation and power loss of a gearbox. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), information about the oil flow of a gearbox can be derived early in the gearbox development process. The in-depth understanding of the system thus supports the development of an optimal housing geometry and lubrication system, resulting in sufficient heat dissipation and the lowest possible no-load gear power loss.
In practice, in addition to a high calculation quality, the modeling and calculation effort within the framework of flow simulations are particularly relevant. In the research project, the SPH for dip-lubricated practical gearboxes is comprehensively evaluated in this context. Initially, a suitable SPH simulation method for calculating oil flow in dip-lubricated gearboxes will be derived for a reference system. A comparison of SPH simulation results with experimental results and FVM simulation results from FVA 857 I is carried out. The validated SPH simulation method is used to calculate the oil flow of various types of practical gearboxes, as exemplarily shown in Figure 1.
The simulation results are compared with available experimental and simulative validation data. Based on the simulation results, essential findings on the application of SPH are derived. Furthermore, the flow-related characteristics of the practical gearboxes are documented and thus the understanding about the gearbox oil flow is increased.
The collected knowledge about the application of SPH will be transferred into a guideline, which supports users in practice to exploit the potential of SPH for efficient gearbox oil flow simulation.