Technology-oriented start-ups often consider problems of logistics in a late development phase, when a lot of money, capacity and manpower have already spent into special processes, inefficient storage of materials or unfavorable supplier contracts. However, this can be prevented if logistics aspects are considered at an early stage. This paper presents a flexible logistics concept, which grows with them and is especially tailored to the requirements of technology-oriented startups.
Due to the high degree of innovation and the low seed capital of technology-oriented start-ups, they often focus on product development and financing aspects especially in the beginning and neglect crosscutting functions such as logistics. In addition, due to the high growth rate start-ups change very fast. Accordingly, the requirements on logistics also change without being recognized. Thus, an early planning and design of the logistics is often neglected.
In literature, there are numerous guidelines for start-ups. These focus on topics like business planning, financing and marketing. There are no guidelines for the design of logistics. In order to close this gap, in the research project "StartupLog" were developed startup-specific approaches for solving the logistical challenges of technology-oriented start-ups.
The aim of the research project is to develop a flexible and scalable concept for the logistics, which is especially tailored to the requirements of technology-oriented start-ups and enables an early consideration of logistical aspects. As a basis for the startup-specific logistics concept, a development model is to be worked out. Within this model, a start-up should be able to place itself in a development phase and identify the logistics tasks, which are relevant in their current development phase. In addition, startup-specific solutions for the relevant logistics tasks are to be developed and summarized for start-ups.
The development of the logistics concept for technology-oriented start-ups took place in the following six work packages:
- Definition of a development model including indicators.
- Identification and analysis of relevant logistics tasks per development phase.
- Development of methods and approaches for the relevant strategic logistics tasks
- Development of methods, approaches and a monitoring concept for the operative logistics tasks
- Implementation of a monitoring application and software-based tools for the operative and strategic logistics tasks
- Validation and improvement of the concept based on practical examples.
The research project 18898 N of the research association Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V., Schlachte 31, 28195 Bremen, Germany is funded via the AiF within the Joint Industrial Research programme (IGF) by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy based on a decision of the German Bundestag.