The team of the chair fml is characterized by a cooperative and open working atmosphere as well as mutual appreciation and recognition. Family-friendly vacation and leaves of absences allow for extremely flexible and self-determined work.
The position and remuneration is initially based on an employment as a scientific employee within the traiff agreement of the public services in Bavaria TV-L E 13, level 1 as a full-time position (100%) (TV-L E13). The tariff agreement provides for the payment of a Christmas bonus and capital-forming benefits. Usually, you will receive a temporary employment contract, whereby an employment period of 4-5 years is guaranteed with the possibility of a doctorate.
All research assistants at the chair work on various projects, most of which are publicly funded, with the aim of obtaining a doctorate. Information on the prerequisites for a doctorate at the fml can be found at the homepage of the TUM Graduate School.
You can expect to work in the field of research and industrial projects as well as in teaching. Very good knowledge of the German and English language is therefore necessary. In internal working groups you will be given the opportunity to exchange ideas and receive valuable input for your own research work. Personal development is ensured by independent and autonomous project work in our research and industrial projects. Mentoring by experienced colleagues ensures professional and methodological support. You will have the opportunity to present your results at national and international congresses and to exchange ideas with colleagues in the research field. With your activities you can establish first contacts to industrial partners as well as gain first leadership qualifications by guiding student assistants and by supervising student research projects. Thus, you will be given a high degree of creative freedom at the chair and can actively shape your field of research in this way.
As a doctoral student, you automatically become a member of the TUM Graduate School, which is the comprehensive organizational format for doctoral studies at the Technical University of Munich. In annual target agreement meetings, concrete goals for personal development and the planned milestones for the coming year are jointly defined. The seminars and continuing education measures offered by the TUM Graduate School or the internal education programme of the Technical University of Munich (TUM horizons) can also be used for interdisciplinary education and qualification (e.g. leadership, soft skill seminars, etc.) of your personality. In addition, there is a mentoring program at the Technical University of Munich, which enables further exchange with interesting people from industries and provides new insights.
Since our current positions require both English and German language skills, the job postings are centrally located on the German career page.