This is the question we have been addressing over the past three years with more than 30 companies and research institutions in the "Building 4.0" research project. On 28th September 2022, the results of this three-year research collaboration will be presented to the Hoyerswerda utility site. Among…
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Energy efficiency and sustainability, field reports from bulk solids handling technology experts on the operation of plants, or the latest research results from bulk solids handling technology. These are just some of the topics that the 26th Bulk Solids Handling Technology Symposium will address.…
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Skills shortages, occupational health and safety, and efficiency gains are motivating the automation of construction equipment. In the bauma Talk “The Way to Autonomous Machines” last week our colleague Maximilian Schöberl discussed „The Arrival of #Cobots“ with Stephan Oehme. If you missed the…
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How can more accurate and efficient planning of heterogeneous transport systems be ensured? This is the question we addressed in the PlaKAT research project. Until now, there was a lack of comparative approaches. In addition, the high complexity of transport systems led to planning insecurity.…
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In the "OptiFit" project, we developed a guideline for retrofit projects for storage and retrieval systems (ASRS). In order to sustain the ASRS maintenance activities and timely modernizations are being carried out. In practice, plant operators are not always aware of retrofits and its potential.…
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Since recently, we at the chair fml own a private 5G campus network in our test hall. We are using it to research use cases of 5G in logistics and the networking of mobile robots. We use the far-reaching advantages over WLAN - high bandwidth, nearly latency-free communication and secure transmission…
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Since last week we control our forklift teleoperated out of the office. For this purpose, we welcomed the start-up enabl Technologies as our guests. Within one week, their team equipped our forklift with cameras and sensors to enable teleoperated handling. This allows, for example, the partial…
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At the DiesAcademicus on December 2, 2021, Professor Johannes Fottner and Professor Magnus Fröhling received the prestigious TUM Sustainability Award on behalf of the CirculaTUM research network. The interdisciplinary network was founded to bundle the diverse competencies of TUM for a…
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How can we achieve a more accurate wheel-rail system design method for stacker cranes? We have developed a prediction model for calculating realistic load spectra over the design life. We integrated this model together with the new DIN EN 13001-3-3 into a software tool. In the future, dynamic…
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How do we successfully counter uncertainties in the dynamic environment of production logistics? This initial question is the basis for a current expert survey on networking and the ability to change in production and logistics using autonomous transport systems, which we are currently conducting at…
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