
Franklin V. Taylor Memorial Award for the Best Paper of the IEEE SMC 2020 goes to employees of the Chair of Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics

In October 2020 the authors Felix Top, Julia Krottenthaler and Johannes Fottner won the Best Paper Award with their publication "Evaluation of Remote Crane Operation with an Intuitive Tablet Interface and Boom Tip Control" at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. With 680 published papers (from a total of more than 1100 submissions) in 2020, the conference is one of the world's largest conferences in the field of systems science and engineering, human-machine systems and cybernetics and is organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In the publication, an intuitive app interface for controlling a loading crane with boom tip control was presented and evaluated. A study with 56 test persons in two experience groups shows that the usability of the innovative human-machine interface in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction can significantly improve the quality of human-machine interaction in radio-operated crane control, in particular through lower error rates and increased user satisfaction. In addition, inexperienced crane operators benefit from improved positioning accuracy through the app control.

The complete paper can be found in the publication database of our university mediaTUM.