Former Ordinarius
Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dr.-Ing, habil Heinz Ulbrich

Prof. Heinz Ulbrich studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he earned his doctorate and later qualified as a professor in the field of mechanics. His career as an engineer and scientist first took him to MAN, followed by a research stay at NASA’s Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, as a Senior Research Fellow. He then became a professor of machine dynamics and gear technology at TU Braunschweig, later holding the Chair of Mechanics at the University of Essen. In 2001, he returned to TUM as a full professor of Applied Mechanics. He was an active member of numerous scientific organizations, including the Advisory Panel of the Physical and Engineering Sub-Programme of NATO, the EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference Committee (ESMCC), the executive board of GAMM, the board of trustees of the Dr.-Ing. Otto and Karla Likar Foundation, and the Timoshenko Foundation.
With over 300 publications, including more than 60 journal papers and three specialized books, Heinz Ulbrich leaves behind a substantial scientific legacy. His fundamental research focused on modeling, system theory, multibody systems with unilateral and bilateral constraints, nonlinear vibrations, mechanical systems with time-varying structures, as well as the control and optimization of vibration systems. His applied research primarily addressed drivetrain dynamics in machines and vehicles, gear vibrations, elastic robots, elastic rotors, mechanisms, humanoid walking machines, motion cueing algorithms for dynamic driving simulators, bio-inspired inertial sensor systems, and camera motion control for vehicle and flight systems.
For his scientific contributions, he received numerous prestigious awards, including:
• The "Golden Teaching Award for Undergraduate Studies," elected by the student body of mechanical engineering, 2006
• Best Paper Award for the work "Stabilization of a Rubbing Rotor Using Robust Feedback Control", at the 7th International Conference on Rotor Dynamics of the IFTOMM, Vienna, Austria, September 25-28, 2006
• Peer Award for an outstanding presentation at the 2nd International Symposium on Stability Control of Rotating Machines, Gdańsk, Poland, 2003
• ISCORMA-1 AWARD in recognition of his authorship of the outstanding paper "Determination of Contact Forces During Rubbing Considering Blade Dynamics", at the 1st International Symposium on Stability Control of Rotating Machines, South Lake Tahoe, California, 2001
• NASA Certificate of Recognition for the creative development of a technical innovation, 1994
Beyond his extensive research, teaching was always a heartfelt passion for Heinz Ulbrich, never a mere obligation. He had a keen eye for nurturing young talent, serving as both a dedicated teacher and mentor. He had a unique ability to inspire students and doctoral candidates with his enthusiasm for mechanics. His lectures were always well-structured, enriched with examples, and complemented by insightful exercises. His expertise and dedication significantly contributed to TUM.
As the head of the Chair of Applied Mechanics, Prof. Ulbrich never needed a harsh tone to lead. He practiced a cooperative leadership style, solving problems collaboratively and pragmatically. This approach is reflected in all the dissertations he supervised. Many of his doctoral candidates went on to have highly successful careers.
Prof. Ulbrich passed away after a prolonged illness.