We are proud to have hosted a robotics competition as part of the robotics club at the chair. Groups of students were given identical motors and batteries as well as access to various tools and 3D printing capabilities. The goal? Cross the finish-line using a legged robot as fast as possible, while…
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Considering flexible bodies in engineering analysis is crucial to achieve lighter, smarter, and therefore more efficient designs. The bottleneck in doing so is often computational efficiency, especially for control and/or optimization purposes. Recursive formulations are usually computationally more…
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In WS22/23 we will again offer our interdisciplinary project seminar ExoskeleTUM. This seminar deals with the development of a fully actuated lower-limb exoskeleton to allow paraplegic patients to walk again. To reach this challenging goal, a wide variety of topics from joint design and control,…
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Please check out our latest article titled "Path Quality Improvement of Sampling-Based Planners: An Efficient Optimization-Based Approach Using Analytical Gradients", where we propose two approaches based on nonlinear optimization to post-process computed paths for collision-free robot motions with…
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Please check out our latest article titled "Model Order Reduction using Hyperreduction Methods (DEIM, ECSW) for Magnetodynamic FEM Problems". The following link provides free access to the article until August 18, 2022: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1fKIv,3rleoXuV…
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"Developing a fully actuated lower limb exoskeleton with a students team to remobilize gait impaired patients - that's what ExoskeleTUM is about. The long term project goal is the participation at Cybathlon organized by ETH Zurich. Developing exoskeletons requires knowledge from various disciplines…
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Next Wednesday, July 6, we welcome Prof. Syn Schmitt as a speaker of our lecture series "AM Seminar". His talk on “Morphological Computation: From hopping robots to micro swimmers to human walking” will take place from 11:00 to 12:30 in the seminar room MW1134. Everyone interested is cordially…
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Next Wednesday, June 15, we welcome Dr. Michael Gienger from Honda Research Institute Europe as a speaker of our lecture series "AM Seminar". His talk on “Dexterous Cooperation – Models for Physical Human-Robot Interaction” will take place from 11:00 to 12:30 in the seminar room MW1134. Everyone…
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Next Wednesday, June 1, we welcome Prof. Auke Ijspeert as a speaker of our lecture series "AM Seminar". His talk via Zoom on “Exploring the interaction of feedforward and feedback control in the spinal cord using biorobots” will take place from 11:00 to 12:30 and is streamed in the seminar room…
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