The program for this year's lecture series “Applied Mechanics Seminar” has been fixed. We will have 7 lectures by representatives from research and industry on current topics in applied mechanics.
The seminar will be held in room MW3102 on selected Thursdays, 17:00 – 18:30.
- 25.04.2024: Prof. Janko Slavič (University of Ljubljana) - High-speed camera-based structural identification beyond 1/100.000th of a pixel
- 02.05.2024: Dr. Alexander Peiffer (Audi AG) - Industrial Application of Statistical Energy Analysis in Acoustics
- 06.06.2024: Prof. Johannes Gerstmayr (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck) - Computational multibody system dynamics meets artificial intelligence
- 13.06.2024: Marie Brøns, PhD (Technical University of Denmark) - Understanding bolted joint dynamics to prevent wind turbine collapse
- 20.06.2024: Dr. Christina Insam (Medtronic GmbH) - Modeling and Simulation in Robotic Assisted Surgery
- 27.06.2024: Dr. Christian Wagner (MTU Aero Engines AG) - Aero Engine Dynamics: Numerical Modelling and Analyses
- 04.07.2024: Dr. Erich Wehrle (Collins Aerospace) - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: A Numerical Method for Aircraft Technologies of the Next Generation and Beyond
All interested parties are cordially invited. For students, there is also the possibility to take this lecture series to receive 3 ECTS, detail can be found on TUMonline.
For more information, contact m.kreutz(at)