Testfallentwicklung || (V&VArtemis)
Variability and Versioning during requirements based test case generation and selection for mechatronic systems
Project Description
Today, manufacturers of mechatronic products must be able to increasingly adapt their range of products to individual customer requirements due to more flexible production systems according to Industry 4.0. As a result, the components contained in the production systems also gain flexibility. This flexibility leads to a greater variety of variants and versions of the products of component manufacturers, which results in even more complex quality assurance measures. Due to the increasing variety of variants and the resulting confusion about which test cases have already been executed for which variants, there is a danger that test cases that have already been evaluated will be repeated or critical test cases will be missed.
The goal of V&VArtemis is to support the tester with suitable methods and tools in such a way that, despite the high number of variants and versions (V&V) and the resulting complexity, the tester retains an overview of changes, their effects and the current test progress to ensure quality.
The results of the V&VArtemis project are concepts to manage V&V in the mechatronic field and to use this to reduce the testing effort. In the project, the test knowledge of existing V&V is used to specifically select the test cases for new V&V that are necessary for product quality assurance upon a change occurance. The automatic management of V&V and the test case selection support the tester in identifying relevant test cases and thus making the best possible use of existing test resources. The approach of linking knowledge from requirements, test and variant management shows the possibility to reduce inconsistencies between changed requirements and test cases through consistent data storage. By building up a module library for variants and through synergy with concepts from feature modeling, the developed concepts can be used to reduce the testing effort for new product variants and versions.
Further Information
The final report to project "Variability and Versioning during requirements based test case generation and selection for mechatronic systems " (Testfallentwicklung || / V&VArtemis) is available at DFAM (Link).
Information to previous project Artemis (2012-2015) are available here: http://artemis.ais.mw.tum.de/.
The IGF-project 19090 N/1 of the research association electrical engineering of the German research association for automation and microelectronics e.V. (DFAM) was sponsored via the AiF as part of the program to support cooperative industrial research (IGF), with funds from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) following an Order by the German Federal Parliament.