Model synthesis from sequence-based behavioral requirements for model-based test case generation
Project Description
Future-oriented concepts for the transformation of production and communication systems, which are mostly based on distributed and complex systems, are major challenges for manufacturers and users of industrial automation technology. The increasing complexities of software combined with high quality requirements impose extensive and comprehensive testing before a device / system can be released.
With increasing complexity of products and production facilities, new methods and concepts for the creation and highly automated execution of tests are needed. The use of model-based methods for test generation reduces the effort and thus the costs significantly. In practice, however, these methods are still far from being used extensively. The high demands placed on personnel and infrastructure in the creation of necessary models primarily prevent the application of model-based test generation methods.
The aim of project MASSIVE is the research on a methodology and algorithms for model synthesis from sequence-based requirements towards a specification model for usage in model-based test case generation in the field of test automation. The intended results of the research project would mean a concrete increase in the performance of and competitive advantages for SMEs in the manufacturing and application industries. They enable a significant improvement in the internal test processes and also allow for the expansion of portfolios of test service providers.
Further Information
The final report to project "Model synthesis from sequence-based behavioral requirements for model-based test case generation" (MASSIVE) is available upon request at DFAM (Link).
- Project accompanying committee of DFAM
- ifak - Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e. V.
The IGF-project IGF 19536 BG of the research association electrical engineering of the German research association for automation and microelectronics e.V. (DFAM) was sponsored via the AiF as part of the program to support cooperative industrial research (IGF), with funds from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) following an Order by the German Federal Parliament.