aComA (BFS 2015-2017) - Automated code generation for modularized intralogistics systems
AutoMES (BMBF 2013-2015) - Automatic generation of production management systems
BauFlott (AiF BVL 2014-2016) - Entwicklung eines Flottenmanagementsystems für Baumaschinen
DAVID (BMBF 2019-2022) - Design approach for structuring distributed digital twins
EfiMA (BFS 2016-2019) - Efficient troubleshooting for safe, variant-rich machine and plant automation
IMPROVE (EU Horizon 2015-2018) - Innovative Modeling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency
INCLUSIVE (EU Horizon 2016-2019) - Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment
iSiKon (DFG 2015-2018) - Increased flexibility for heterogeneously structured material flow systems enabled by intelligent software agents controlling self-configuring conveyors
M@OK (Bayer. StMWi, VDI/VDE 2018-2020) - Online Echtzeit-Wissensmanagement, Data-Mining und Machine-Learning für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
MASSIVE (AiF DFAM 2017-2019) - Model synthesis from sequence-based behavioral requirements for model-based test case generation
OR.NET (BMBF 2012-2016) - Sichere dynamische Vernetzung in Operationssaal und Klinik
ProcAppCom (Bayer. StMWi, VDI/VDE 2017-2019) - Process Application Composer
RED SPLAT (DFG 2017-2020) - Reverse Engineering Design of Software Product Lines for Automation Technology
SafetyNet (Bayer. StMWi, VDI/VDE 2015-2019) - Train-wide availability of local sensor data
CRC 768 / SFB 768 - CRC 768 / SFB 768 (DFG 2008-2019): Managing Cycles in Innovation Processes – Integrated Development of Product-Service Systems Based on Technical Products
- A6: Assistance system to support the cycle management in the development and use phase of PSS innovation processes through self-maintenance of mechatronic modules
- D1: Support for shaping PSS innovation processes through diagnosis and resolution of inconsistencies be-tween models from different domains
- D2: Action goal oriented interactive visualization of model dependencies to reduce complexity in the cycle-oriented transdisciplinary design of PSS innovation processes
- T3: Model-based cycle-oriented decision making support in early phases of PSS innovation processes under specific consideration of the technical disciplines
- T5 (2019-2021): Support of stakeholders in the interdisciplinary life-cycle-accompanying innovation process of Product-Service-Systems (PSS) using the example of large-scale plants in the steel and non-ferrous metals industry “Knowledge Transfer Project”
- Z: Administration
SIDAP (BMWi, 2015-2018) - Skalierbares Integrationskonzept zur Datenaggregation, -analyse, -aufbereitung von großen Datenmengen in der Prozessindustrie
SPP1593 (DFG 2013-2019) - Design For Future: Managed Software Evolution
- DoMain - Cross-domain maintainability estimations of information systems and manufacturing automation systems
- IMPROVE APS - Regression Verification in a User-Centered Software Development Process for Evolving Automated Production Systems
- MoDEMMiCAS - Model-Driven Evolution Management for Microscopic Changes in Automation Systems
V&V Artemis (AiF DFAM 2016-2019) - Variability and Versioning during requirements based test case generation and selection for mechatronic systems