Comparative survey on maturity in the field of software development for control and regulation tasks
The development of control software is a multi-disciplinary process that hides many difficulties. The communication and exchange between the various stakeholders, the management of a huge amount of versions and variants as well as the assurance of constant code quality represent only a small selection of challenges that need to be mastered to stay competitive.
Have you ever wondered about your strengths but also about your weaknesses in the field of control software development in comparison to other companies? Are you aware of your company’s allocation compared to international competitors? Please take 20-30 minutes to participate in our questionnaire and benefit from a comprehensive and professional evaluation of your company regard
- the identification of strengths and weaknesses in the field of control software development
- international and branch-specific comparisons to allocate your company’s results
- quantitative key indicators as proof of your qualities for external and internal use
We, the Institute of Automation and Information Systems of the Technical University Munich, bring a lot of experience when it comes to conducting and evaluating industrial studies as we already have successfully performed three extensive surveys targeting various issues like e.g. the maturity of existing PLC software or Technical Debt. The results serve as a basis for our research and helps us to identify connections that were unknown so far.
Take advantage of our experience and receive a detailed assessment of your company regarding strengths and weaknesses in the field of control software development as well as regarding requirements for additional tool support. This knowledge help you to take decisions more effectively and my lead to an improvement regarding the cooperation between you and your customers.
We invite you to be on the top of research within this cooperation. Take your chance and be part of our current study. Two months after the survey is closed, we will send you the evaluation of your results. Based on our analysis, you can compare your company with the average of all participants to identify in which fields you are above or below average. If you wish, we offer the possibility to present and discuss your results via web conference. In this case, please leave your contact data at the end of the questionnaire.
Of course, your data is treated confidentially and no costs or subsequent costs will be imposed.
You can access the questionnaire via this link: Start Survey
- B. Vogel-Heuser, J. Fischer, S. Feldmann, S. Ulewicz, S. Rösch: “Modularity and Architecture of PLC-based Software for Automated Production Systems: An analysis in industrial companies”. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), vol. 131, pp. 35-62, 2017.
- B. Vogel-Heuser, J. Fischer, E. M. Neumann, S. Diehm: "Key maturity indicators for module libraries for PLC-based control software in the domain of automated Production Systems", 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM), 2018.
- B. Vogel-Heuser, F. Ocker, E. M. Neumann: "Maturity variations of PLC-based control software within a company and among companies from the same industrial sector", 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 2018.
- B. Vogel-Heuser, F. Ocker: "Maintainability and evolvability of control software in machine and plant manufacturing - An industrial survey," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 80, pp. 157-173, 2018.
In case of further questions, feel free to contact us by sending an e-mail to: SWQM(at)