Ehemaliger Ordinarius

Anschrift | Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dr.-Ing. E.h., Dr. h.c. mult. Friedrich Pfeiffer (i. R.) Emeritus of Excellence Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mechanik Technische Universität München D-85747 Garching GERMANY |
Büro | Gebäude 1, 3. Stock Zimmer 3143 |
Telefon | +49-89-289-15200 |
friedrich.pfeiffer(at) |
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Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
Pfeiffer, F.:
Mechanische Systeme mit unstetigen Übergängen, Ingenieur-Archiv 54 (1984), 223-240.
Pfeiffer, F.; Johanni, R.:
A Concept for Manipulator Trajectory Planning - In: Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 1986, San
Francisco, California, IEEE Computer Society Press, S. 1399-1405.
Pfeiffer, F.:
On Unsteady Dynamics in Machines with Plays - In: Proc. of the 7th World
Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Sevilla, Spain, 17-23 September
1987, Vol. 1, S. 417-423.
Pfeiffer, F.; Reithmeier, E.:
Roboterdynamik, Teubner- Verlag, 1987, Teubner
Studienbücher Mechanik.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Theorie des Getrieberasselns. - In: VDI Berichte Nr. 697, 1988, S. 45-65.
Pfeiffer, F.; Gebler, B.:
A Multistage-Approach to the Dynamics and Control of Elastic
Robots - In: Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Volume 1, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 24-29, 1988.
Pfeiffer, F.:
A Feedforward Decoupling Concept for the Control of Elastic Robots - In:
Journal of Robotic Systems, 6(4), 1989, pp. 407-416.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Einführung in die Dynamik. Leitfäden der angewandten Mathematik und
Mechanik Bd. 65, Teubner Studienbücher Mechanik, Stuttgart, 1989.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Optimal Trajectory Planning for Manipulators. - In: Systems & Control
Encyclopedia, Supplementary Vol. 1. Edt. M. G. Singh. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Path and Force Control of Elastic Manipulators. - In: Proc. of the 29th Conf.
on Decision and Control, Honolulu, HI, USA, Dec. 5 - 7, 1990, pp. 514-519.
Pfeiffer, F.; Richter, K.:
Optimal Path Planning Including Forces at the Gripper. - In:
Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems, 3, 1990, pp. 251-258.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Dynamical Systems with Time-Varying or Unsteady Structure. - In: ZAMM
Zeitschrift f. angew. Math. u. Mech. 71 (1991) 4, Akademie-Verlag Berlin, pp. T6-T22.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Combined Path and Force Control for Elastic Manipulators. - In: Mechanical
Systems and Signal Processing (1992) 6(3), pp. 237-249.
Pfeiffer, F.:
On Stick-Slip Vibrations in Machine Dynamics - In: Machine Vibration (1992)
1, Springer Verlag London Ltd., pp. 20-28.
Pfeiffer, F.; Glocker, Ch.:
Dynamical Systems with Unsteady Processes. - In: Proc. of the
Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, Anaheim, CA, USA, Nov. 8-13, 1992, DE-Vol.
49, Friction-Induced Vibration, Chatter, Squeal and Chaos, pp. 685-687.
Pfeiffer, F.; Seyfferth, W.:
On Unsteady Dynamics of Assembly Processes. - In: Proc. of
ISRAM 92, 4th Intl. Symp. on Robotics and Manufacturing, Santa Fe, NM, USA, Nov.
11-13, 1992, pp. 831-838.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Methoden zur nichtlinearen Antriebstechnik. - In: VDI Berichte, Nr. 1153,
1994, S. 599-624.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Complementary Problems of Stick-Slip Vibrations. - In: DE-Vol. 56,
Dynamics and Vibrations of Time-Varying Systems and Structures, Eds.: S.C. Sinha et
al., pp. 43-50.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Unsteady processes in machines. - In: Chaos, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1994, pp. 693-705.
Pfeiffer, F.; Cruse, H.:
Bionik des Laufens - technische Umsetzung biologischen Wissens.
- In: Konstruktion 46 (1994) Nr. 7/8. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1994, pp. 261-266.
Pfeiffer, F., Weidemann, H.J., Eltze, J.:
The TUM-Walking Machine. - In: Proc. of the
ISRAM 1994 Conference , Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 14-17, 1994.
Pfeiffer, F.; Eltze, J.; Weidemann, H.-J.:
Six-legged technical walking considering
biological principles. - In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 14, 1995, Eds. F. C.
A. Groen and T. C. Henderson, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 223-232.
Pfeiffer, F.; Hölzl, J.:
Parameter Identification for Industrial Robots. - In: Proc. of 1995
IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Nagoya, Japan, May 22-27, 1995, pp.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Complementarity Problems of Stick-Slip Vibrations. - In: J. of Vibration and
Acoustics, Vol. 118, April 1996, pp. 177-183.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Cooperating Fingers - A Special Form of Cooperating Robots. - In: Proc. of
World Automation Congress (WAC ´96), Montpellier, May 28-30, 1996, S. 639-645.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Grasping with Hydraulic Fingers - An Example of Mechatronics. - In:
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1996, pp. 158-167.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Rattling in Gears - A Review; - In: VDI Berichte, Nr. 1230, Düsseldorf: VDI-
Verlag, 1996, pp. 719-737.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Robotics in Theory and Practice. - In: ICIAM 95 Proceedings of the Invited
Lectures. Mathematical Research. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
Pfeiffer, F.; Glocker, Ch.:
Multibody Dynamics with Unilateral Contacts, New York: John
Wiley & Sons Inc. 1996, 317 S.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Assembly process with robotic systems. Robotic and Autonomous Systems 19,
1996, S. 151-166.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Multibody Dynamics with Multiple Unilateral Contacts. Proc. of the XIXth
International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kyoto, Japan, 25-31
August 1996 Elsevier, 1997.
Pfeiffer, F.; Fritz, P.; Srnik, J.:
Nonlinear Vibration in Chains. Journal of Vibration and
Control, Vol. 3, 1997, S. 397-410.
Pfeiffer, F.; Wolfsteiner, P.:
Relative Kinematics of Multibody Contacts. -In:
Active/Passive Vibration Control and Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, DE-Vol. 95,
AMD-Vol. 223, Book No. H01110, 1997, S. 107-114.
Pfeiffer, F.; Glocker, C.:
Solid Mechanics and its Applications 72. Proceedings of
the IUTAM Symposium held in Munich, Germany, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Pfeiffer, F.:
Robots with Unilateral Contacts. -In: Annual Reviews in Control 22. Elsevier
Science 1998. pp. 121-132.
Pfeiffer, F.; Rossmann, T.:
Dynamics and Control of a Tube Crawling Machine. -In:
Robotic and Manufactoring Systems, Proc. of the World Automation Concress (WAC
´98), Anchorage, Alaska, USA 1998.
Pfeiffer, F., Rossmann, Th.; Steuer, J.:
Theory and Practice of Machine Walking. -In:
CISM Courses and Lectures No. 375, CISM 1997, Springer-Verlag Wien New-York.
Pfeiffer, F. and Glocker, Ch. (Eds.):
Unilateral Multibody Contacts, Proc. IUTAM-Symp.,
Munich 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1999.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Unilateral Problems of Dynamics. Archive of Applied Mechanics 69, pp. 503-
527. Berlin: Springer, 1999.
Pfeiffer, F.; Steuer, J.:
Design of Walking Machines - Control Aspects - In: Proc. of the
14th World Congress of IFAC, Beijing, China, July 5-9, 1999, pp. 413-418.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Design Aspects of Walking Machines. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), 2000, Madrid.
Pfeiffer, F.; Glocker, Chr. (Eds):
Multibody Dynamics with Unilateral
Contacts, CISM Courses and Lectures No. 421, Springer Wien New York, 2000.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Unilateral Multibody Dynamics. Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, AIMETA99, Meccanica34: pp.
437-451, 1999 KLUWER Academic Publishers 2000.
Pfeiffer, F.; Cruse, H.:
Wie die Technik laufen lernt. forschung - Das Magazin der
Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), 2-4/2000, S. 21.23, WILEY-VCH,
Löffler, K.; Gienger, M.; Pfeiffer, F.:
A Biped Jogging Robot - Theory and Realization,
Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots
(CLAWAR), Madrid, Spain, October 2-4, 2000, pp. 51-58.
Lutzenberger, C.; Pfeiffer, F.:
Analysis of Hemiparetic Gait by Using Mechanical Models.
Proceedings of ICMMB´11 - International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and
Biology, April 2-5 2000, Maui, Hawaii, pp. 257-260.
Pfeiffer, F., Glocker, Ch.:
Contacts in Multibody Systems, J.Appl. Maths Mechs, Vol 64,
No. 5, pp. 773-782, 2000, 2001 Elsevier Sience Ltd.
Pfeiffer, F. (Ed.):
Non-smooth Mechanics, A Theme Issue, Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society, vol. 359, number 1789, December 2001.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Applications of unilateral multibody dynamics. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A,
Nr. 359, pp. 2609-2628, The Royal Society, London, 2001.
Sedlmayr, M., Pfeiffer, F.:
Dynamik von CVT-Keilkettengetrieben unter Berücksichtigung
von räumlichen Effekten, VDI-Berichte 1610, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, 2001,
pp. 593-608.
Sedlmayr, M.; Bullinger, M.; Pfeiffer, F.:
Spatial Dynamics of CVT Chain Drives. VDI-
Berichte 1709 CVT 2002 Congress, München, 7.-8. Okt., Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag
GmbH, 2002.
Pfeiffer, F.; Stieglmayr, A.:
Time Stepping Method for Unilateral
Multibody Dynamics. WCCM V Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Austria, 2002.
Gienger, M.; Löffler, K.; Pfeiffer, F.:
Design and Realization of Jogging Johnnie. CISM
Courses and Lectures No. 438, CISM 2002, Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York,
pp. 445-452, 2002.
Pfeiffer, F.; König, E.:
Modeling Normal and Hemiparetic Walking. Digital Human
Modeling Conference, München, 18.-22.6.2002, VDI-Berichte 1675, pp. 33-43, 2002.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Flüssigkeitsgefüllte Kreisel - ein klassisches Problem, VDI-Berichte Nr.
1682, S. 479-490, 2002, VDI-Verlag, 2002.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Spatial Motion of CVT-Chains, IUTAM-Symposium, Chaotic
Dynamics and Control of Systems and Processes in Mechanics, Rome, 2003.
Pfeiffer, F.; Haj-Fraj, A.:
Optimal Control of Automatic Transmission, IFAC Nonlinear
Control Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001, pp. 273-282, Elsevier, 2003.
Pfeiffer, F.:
The Logic of Walking Machine Control,
IFAC, Logic Controlled Dynamic Systems, Irkutsk, 2003.
Pfeiffer, F.; Borchsenius, F.:
New Hydraulic System Modelling,
Journal of Vibration and Control 10 (2003), pp. 1493-1515, Sage
Publications, 2003.
Pfeiffer, F.:
The idea of complementarity in multibody dynamics, Archive of Applied
Mechanics 72 (2003), pp. 8097-816, Springer Verlag, 2003.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Unilateral Problems of Dynamics, Virtual Nonlinear Multibody Systems, W.
Schielen and M. Valásek (Eds.), pp. 103-140, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
Pfeiffer, F.; Lebrecht, W.; Geier, T.:
State-of-the-Art of CVT-Modelling, SAE-CVT-Conference San Francisco,
SAE International, 2004.
Pfeiffer, F.; Zielinska, T.:
Walking: Biological and Technological Aspects, -In: CISM
Courses and Lectures No. 467, CISM 2004, Springer-Verlag Wien New-York.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Dynamics and Control of a Circular Loom, 7th Int. Conf. on Motion and Vibration Control,
MOVIC04, ID:20, 2004.
Pfeiffer, F.; Cruse, H.:
Wie die Technik laufen lernt, Forschung SPEZIAL 2004, DFG Bonn, Wiley 2004.
Neumann, L.; Ulbrich, H.; Pfeiffer, F.:
Optimization of the Joint Geometry of a Rocker Pin Chain, Machine Dynamics Problems,
Vol. 29, No 4, 97-108, 2005.
Pfeiffer, F.; Foerg, O.:
On the Structure of Multiple Impact Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics (2005) 42: 101-112.
Pfeiffer, F.; Foerg, O.; Ulbrich, H.:
Numerical aspects of non-smooth multibody systems, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.
95 (2006) 6891-6908.
Pfeiffer, F.; Inoue, H. (eds.):
Theme Issue on Walking Machines, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,
Phil.Trans.R.Soc.A(2007) 365, The Royal Society, London, 2007.
Pfeiffer, F.; Inoue, H.:
Walking: technology and biology, Phil.Trans.R.Soc.A(2007) 365, 3-9, The Royal Society, London, 2007.
Pfeiffer, F.:
The TUM walking machines, Phil.Trans.R.Soc.A(2007) 365, 109-131, The Royal Society, London, 2007.
Pfeiffer, F.:
CVT - A Large Application of Non-Smooth Mechanics, MULTIBODY DYNAMICS 2007, ECCOMAS Thematic
Conference, Milano 2007
Pfeiffer, F.:
Deregularization of a smooth system - example hydraulics, Nonlinear Dynamics (2007) 47: 219-233.
Pfeiffer, F.:
Dynamics of a Ravigneaux Gear, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2007 (in print)
Pfeiffer, F.:
Mechanical System Dynamics, Springer Heidelberg 2008 (Monograph)
Pfeiffer, F.:
On nonsmooth dynamics, Meccanica, Springer 2008