
CYBATHLON 2020 Global Edition - volunteers wanted

The CYBATHLON 2020 will take place on 13 - 14 November 2020 – globally and in a new format directly from the teams’ home bases. The teams will set up their own infrastructure for the competitions and film their races. Under the supervision of the CYBATHLON officials, the pilots will start individually instead of directly next to each other. The competitions will be broadcast from Zurich using a new media platform showcasing a unique live programme.

At the CYBATHLON 2020 Global Edition, the pilots and their development teams will show what they have achieved over the past years and will offer the spectators an unforgettable competition experience.

We are now recruiting volunteers that would like to act as CYBATHLON officials and be part of this once in a lifetime experience! The volunteers can act directly from the teams’ home bases in one of the following roles:

·       Referee: Ensures the pilot follows the rules

·       Time-keeper: Time taking during the pilots’ races

·       Technical Examiner: Technical examination of the device (TecCheck)

·       Medical Examiner: Medical examination of the pilot (MedCheck)

A CYBATHLON member will train the volunteers for these roles! No specific knowledge is required to become a referee or time-keeper. Technical examiners require a background in a mechanical, electrical or biomedical engineering. Medical examiners must have a background as a medical doctor, i.e. neurologist. Furthermore, technical and medical examiners can act as a referee or time-keeper during the competition.

Finally, a CYBATHLON official may not be affiliated with any team.

Please find detailed descriptions of the individual roles following this document.

If you know anyone in your network who lives in any one city listed below and is interested in volunteering for the CYBATHLON 2020, please feel free to share this information.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact competition@cybathlon.com. Looking forward to hearing from you.

All the best

The CYBATHLON organising committee